this is some text
Sweet Tooth Sweet Tooth
18+ Comic Shorts
Short one off comics, usually ranging between one and three pages. The title and number within the window will let you know how many pages were in the short, and if theres going to be more. I use these as a way to explore character stuff without committing to a bazillion pages.

These are in no particular order. Horizontal pages appear vertical in preview but will display correctly when clicking on them! New pages add to the top.

Thanks for reading my comics!
If you like what I do, check out my patreon! It's the best way to support me. If a one time tip is more your style, consider donating to my kofi!
Sweet Tooth Sweet Tooth
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Sweet Tooth twitter 11.7.18
This webpage is an exercise for a web class (ART 4357); material taken is for academic purposes and is not intended to be use as an actual promotional. This business is fictitious. If you own any of the material and feel offended by the use, please indicate this and will be removed.
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